
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.


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About me, cv, etc.

bk (bee-kay)

He is an experienced shop educator whose general work and many interests are loosely documented on this site.


EDU654: Autobiography

5 minute read

At an early age I was diagnosed with a seizure disorder for which I was heavily medicated. My parents prior to pre-K enrolled me in a catholic school outside...

Welcome to Jekyll!

less than 1 minute read

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different wa...

My Teaching Philosophy

1 minute read

My approach to teaching has been heavily guided by my experiences operating and teaching in makerspaces in Philadelphia. I have been a heavy proponent of the...

My Ideal Classroom

less than 1 minute read

My ideal classroom is a room with four clearly defined zones. The first is for storage student bags, projects, and a locked area for materials. This is ideal...

Why do I teach?

less than 1 minute read

Ever since I stepped into the woodshop in college I have been interested in teaching. The exchange of skills, ideas, and critique in design studios were eye ...

Reflecting on my Favorite Teacher

less than 1 minute read

Mr. Foldesy, my High School art teacher was one of the best. Mr. Foldesy seemed like a laid back art teacher, but his design courses were engaging to all. He...

How can public schools be improved?

less than 1 minute read

I believe public schools can be improved by allowing students creative agency in personal projects. Looking back on my time as a student as well as my curren...

Make Your Own Field Reports

3 minute read

Originally posted November 25th, 2015 in the Library Journal. [gallery type=”slideshow” size=”large” ids=”238,239,240,241,242,243” orderby=”rand”]

OneKey: Update 3/21

less than 1 minute read

[gallery] With the new circuit I’m working on … because it uses the Arduino IDE to program it Ardublock can be used. Ardublock is an interface t...

Maker Corps Info and Q&A Session 3.04.14

less than 1 minute read

Maker Corps Info and Q&A Session 3.04.14<div class="link_description"><blockquote class="link_og_blockquote">Find out more about Maker Corps,...

2.21jawnware check-in

less than 1 minute read

//<p>✔ Material Exploration.</p> The vinyl cutter pushes the copper tape past just making simple circuits(with ease). ✔ Code...

Teen Tech Week

less than 1 minute read

Teen Tech Week<div class="link_description"><blockquote class="link_og_blockquote">Celebrate technology for teens at your library this March with...

Collaborative Work

less than 1 minute read

[gallery] This sort of collaboration was awesome to see.  Shanaya(12), Brandon(9), and Judas(14) worked in a team to hold the soldering iron, the solder, and...

User Testing / Test Workshop

less than 1 minute read

[gallery] Peeling the sticker was not an issue, but it was a bit difficult for the kids to keep it together in the transition and peel back the excess. &frac...

Initial Kit Used

less than 1 minute read

[gallery] This is the kit I utilized for my first workshop / testing with the MakeyMakeyMakey. (l-r) Safety Glasses Soldering Iron Solder Helping Hands, &ldq...

Prototype & Tolerance

less than 1 minute read

[gallery] I’ve finally gotten the hang of the process of cutting them without too much waste. Notice how close the cuts are now! If i make them closer I risk...

Resource Images

less than 1 minute read

[gallery] components to help me prototype in illustrator + for documentation/instructor materials


less than 1 minute read

My earlier(and hastily done) circuit sketch is leading me to consider focusing on simplified units(K.I.S.S) to deploy as my first iteration. These simple ver...

Vinylcut Prototype Update

less than 1 minute read

[gallery] There is still a little bit more work needed on the actual cut circuit, it’s not fully functional yet. Just a matter of retracing my steps and maki...

Hardware limit

less than 1 minute read

[gallery] A thought occurred to me, so far I have only been working with one key input . This has allowed for my circuit to remain simple as there is only th...

Two Circuits

less than 1 minute read

[gallery] I forked Flip’s 4-key-keyboard to begin the second iteration. This evening I took the dive into compiling my own .HEX files. The process of compili...

Design Specs for Copper Tape

1 minute read

[gallery] This past week I iterated with physically to push past my initial units shortcomings. I was focused on two things in my iterations: usability ad fu...

Archive: Makey Makey Workshop @ Spells

1 minute read

Originally posted August 8, 2013 on the Maker Jawn Blog: Last Wednesday I held a Makey Makey workshop at Spells Writing Lab. Our game controller workshop was...

Archive: Magnet Explorations

less than 1 minute read

Originally Posted June 20, 2013 on the Maker Jawn Blog [vimeo 68745627 w=640 h=360]Paul started toying around with LEDs today and just “wanted to make someth...

Archive: Camp begins at the Village

2 minute read

Originally posted July 10, 2013 on the Maker Jawn Blog: This past week has been pretty rad for us up at the Village! Earlier in the week Camp started so we h...

Post: Link Permalink

less than 1 minute read

This theme supports link posts, made famous by John Gruber. To use, just add link: http://url-you-want-linked to the post’s YAML front matter and you’re done.

Post: Quote

less than 1 minute read

Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet. Mark Twain

Post: Notice

1 minute read

A notice displays information that explains nearby content. Often used to call attention to a particular detail.

Post: Chat

2 minute read

Abbott: Strange as it may seem, they give ball players nowadays very peculiar names.

Post: Standard

4 minute read

All children, except one, grow up. They soon know that they will grow up, and the way Wendy knew was this. One day when she was two years old she was playing...

Post: Modified Date

less than 1 minute read

This post has been updated and should show a modified date if used in a layout.



Switzerland Basel Paper Museum Zermatt Pilatus Madrisa Klosters-Serneus Berghaus Alpenrösli


Water Gap Hot Rods Hot Dogs, eh Hot Dog Johnny’s Humpty Junior’s


Philadelphia, PA EL Bar Bob & Barbra’s (Go on Drag Night) Jim’s Steaks Delasandro’s Steaks Smith Playground The Pretzel ride Philly AIDS T...



Library Badging

Digital Badging platform design and implementation for youth at the Free Library of Philadelphia


Low cost digital hardware fabrication for makerspaces

Shop Systems

Various digital tools I’ve made with students for the shop.

Workshop Industries

Products and Projects while directing a team of tinkerers at the Workshop School.


Coconut Chicken Soup

Slow cooker based, most likely Costco rotisserie chicken soup & stock recipes. When making the soup a trick is to not mix the veggies so the potatoes get...

Crab Quiche

I am pretty sure the cafe ripped this from John Travolta.

Guava Mead

The first time I made a Costco Mead that didn’t taste like rocket fuel after 2 months. The guava nectar replaces water in a normal recipe.

Hutspot: Mashed Potato & Carrot

I wonder why Tootz made this very dutch recipe as a very East German, New Jerseyan woman. Affectionately spelled “Hudspud” in my fam.


I’m not totally sure if this recipe is correct.

Matts Cookies

Matt if you read this, let me know if you want it taken down or drafted. Then I’ll just have to ask you for it again the next time I loose it.

Moroccan Carrots

A “cafe” side, best left to ferment in fridge, paired with red lentil cakes.

Paleo Pancakes

I spent a month or two trying different ratios trying to emulate pancakes. Otherwise you can easily make these too dry too gummy.

Shrimp Creole

Feeds about 8 hearty eaters, preparation time 40 minutes (precook chicken and shrimp while cutting veggies), final cook time about an hour

Smoked Porter

To be updated soon, need to transcribe out of my brewing binder.

Veg. Cincinatti Chili

I have been trying to eat less meat, while this meal relies heavily on processed soy, it’s quite delicious.


Bantam Mill

I’ll never own one, but love tinkering with one.

Shopbot CNC

I have used both 48x48 and 96x48 PRSalpha models.