USB Redesign Project (WIP)
Some day I’ll loop back with more samples of documentation and student products. I’ve been doing this project in some capacity since 2012 even with the advent of USB type C!
Project Summary
Placeholder :)
Project Related Content Links (no urls yet)
Student Product Gallery
Placeholder :)
Note: to add various levels including the injection moulded hot glue version. ALso, grab images from Onshape as web based programs are fleeting.
Unit Objectives
Students Will Know…
- The definition of Computer Aided Design - CAD
- The types of CAD programs in the marketing and the advantages/disadvantages of each
- The steps needed to create a product using CAD software
- The definition Computer Aided Manufacturing - CAM
- The various uses of CAM applications
- The steps needed to use a 3D Printer safely and effectively
- The applications of the Additive Manufacturing Process
- How to accurately measure using micrometers and calipers Students Will Be Able To…
- Design objects utilizing various CAD software tools and techniques.
- Describe how 3D Printing works, it’s history, and how we may utilize it in our labs.
- Develop a novel enclosure design for an existing object.
- Use a 3D printer safely to execute a design.
Formative Assessments
- #1 Onshape Module: Sketching
- #2 Onshape Module: Part Design Using Part Studios
- #3 Onshape Module: Multipart Part Studios
- #4 Onshape Module: Assemblies
- #5 Onshape Module: Detailed Drawings
- #6 3D Printing Guided Research
- #7 Enclosure Design Iteration 1
- #8 Enclosure Design Self Checks
Performance Tasks
- Common Performance Task #1 and Scoring Criteria
- Pumpkin Carving Mini Project, Common Assessment Rubric
- Performance Task #2 and Scoring Criteria
- Candy Turkey Mini Project, Common Assessment Rubric
- Performance Task #3 and Scoring Criteria
- Snowflake Mini Project, Common Assessment Rubric
- Common Summative Assessment #1 and Scoring Criteria
- 3D Printing Guided Research Presentation, Common Assessment Rubric 1, Common Assessment Rubric 2
- Summative Assessment #2 and Scoring Criteria
- Enclosure Design Iteration 2, Common Assessment Rubric
Essential Questions
- EQ#1: How does additive and subtractive manufacturing work?
- EQ#2: What is the advantage of using 3D printing in prototyping new products?
- EQ#3: Why are skills in CAD modeling crucial in the design of 3D printed products?
- EQ#4: How is CAD modeling useful in the scope of project development?
Enduring Understandings
- EU#1: Objects can be modeled digitally
- EU#2: CAD can be used to plan, develop and iterate on an idea before the physical production of an item or project
- EU#3: Additive or subtractive manufacturing allows for physical prototyping of digitally designed CAD objects through CAM tools.
Meeting students at various levels or scaffolding
- Step-By-Step walkthroughs and videos available for all Onshape CAD learning modules.
- Students have access to guiding documents and videos for each Enclosure Design project iteration.
- Students can model using different input methods or CAD software based on need.